Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How do i clear blackheads the right way?

d-i-yHow do i clear blackheads the right way?
This is really important for you to understand because 80% of all people in this world do not know this. There is no way to remove blackheads if they are not ready to come out without going to a professional or having your own blackhead removal tools (you can buy those from high end personal care stores, drugstores, or online). pore strips will only work on blackheads when they themselves are ready to come out, but when they are you can just use your finger (sterilized). if your blackhead isn't ready to come out messing with it might push it in deeper.

you can prevent blackheads with the following techniques, these techniques do not remove blackheads they only prevent them. drink plenty of water. keep your hands of your face. exfoliate regularly (two to three times a week). eat healthy foods, you don't have to be too extreme with this, just don't eat 3 bags or chips in one day or two candy bars in 10 minutes.How do i clear blackheads the right way?
If you have blackheads, most likely you have dry skin as well.

Here's are some good references:



Products that are effective to eliminate dry skin

biore strips
You can find a blackhead removal tool at any pharmacy for $1-3.
biore strips do work well, but they are expensive. once a week steam your face. Boil some water and stand over it, don't get too close or it will burn, then go wash you face, ASAP before your face cools down. Use warm water while washing, and splash your face with cold water at the end to close your pores. Make sure that once or twice a day you are washing, clarifying, and moisturizing!
* Skin Care-- natural homemade tips to blackheads


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