Monday, August 23, 2010

Problems with do I get rid of them and keep them away?

I have blackheads on my nose that constantly come back. i use the biore strips which work but then the blackheads come back. help!Problems with do I get rid of them and keep them away?
I use clean and clear black head removal scrub. It works wonders!

Just go to the store and look for a face wash that gets rid of black head.... usually its one with the tiny micro-scrubbing balls.

If your pores have been steamed open (like in the shower) before you use it, they will be gone in just a few days!!

best of luck!Problems with do I get rid of them and keep them away?
Join the club - I think most people have them.

I suggest squeezing them as well as using the biore strips, as squeezing really does work, especially if you've just had a hot shower and your pores are open.

Just make sure that when you cleanse your face, you cleanse upwards which is the direction of the pores and do this twice a day. Exfoliate once a week and make sure you don't go to bed with any make-up on. Also make sure you don't have make-up on longer than it needs to be. Finally, try to stop a build up of oil on your nose.
Try some Dr Bronner's soap and a washcloth. You can get it at GNC. It's organic, all natural and will really clean the oil off your skin. Also, you can use it every day. It really helps with keeping my skin blemish free.
use a good quality scrub from herbalife scrub. you can call-9432591315



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