Monday, August 23, 2010

What should i do to get rig of blackheads . . .?

I'm 17,I have pretty good skin, but i have blackheads on my nose and forehead and some on my upper cheeks. I run regularly, and i eat a good diet full of veggies and fruits and dairy products. Any suggestions on how to get rid of them naturally and effectively would be greatly appreciated = )What should i do to get rig of blackheads . . .?
You must use a strong exfoliant scrub with warm water for about 5 minutes. Scrub until your skin is pinky-red. Then gently squeeze out the blackhead(s).

Then saturate a cotton ball with witch hazel and wipe the area immediately.What should i do to get rig of blackheads . . .?
When you run or excercise to the point where you begin sweating, we normally connect this with the burning of calories. This is true, but the sweat on your face causes the buildup of dirt and oil in your skin, which in turn causes breakouts.

Make sure that before you run you completely wipe off all of the makeup on your face. Makeup only causes more dirt and oil to mix around getting into your pores.

After you run, really scrub your face. I suggest putting on ProActiv's Refining face mask. This deep cleans your pores, really extracting the junk.

It's good that you have a good diet, but foods don't necessarily cause the breakouts. Just keep your face clean. Carry oil strips with you to keep the grease off. Talk to your dermatologist about some creams you can apply before bed.

Keep your hands off of your face. Your hands contin more dirt and oil than you can imagine.

Choose a makeup brand that is really light and don't apply it too pancakey.

Good luck!
1. Try using facial cleanser

2. Try Blackhead remover strips

3. Go to a dermatologist
use witch hazel as a face astringent throughout the day. it works great and leave your skin cool and refresh.
Use the ponds strips you can get them anywhere and they work great and then I also use oil of oily face cream and it seems to keep them away
i have done this many times and it always makes my skin so soft and exfoliated. mix a little bit of dry oatmeal with a little sour cream until it becomes sort of like a paste... then put it all over your face and allow it to dry. then wash off with warm water and apply a facial moisturizer. good luck :)
Use Pons strips, you get them at like walmart and walgreens, it should do the trick.
use the biore strips on your nose and forehead once a week and wash your face with a blackhead removing scrub everyother day biore, neutrogena, noxema, and clean and clear all have one.

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