Monday, August 23, 2010

How do i get rid of my blackheads on my nose and cheeks?

i use the biore pore strips that are for the nose AND face...they work really good if you keep it up.How do i get rid of my blackheads on my nose and cheeks?
I had very small, but loads of, blackheads on my nose, and after (literally) years of trying everything, I found that Soap %26amp; Glory's ';Scrub Your Face In It'; is amazing for lifting all the gunk from your face with leaving it dry and flaky, rather my skin is very smooth. Smells great too!

Everybody's skin is different though, so try a few things out!How do i get rid of my blackheads on my nose and cheeks?
I find Clearasil for blackheads good. Or if you get a basin of hot water and put a teatowel over it and put your face near it so the steem gets to your skin (opens the pores).Stay there for about 10mins then gently wash your face with warm water and wipe it again with a cold damp cloth (thats closes the pores again) Hope this helped a bit!
You can buy special strips called Ponds ( i think) that you can apply to your cheeks and forehead. I have never used them so i wouldn't be able to tell you weather they have any long term affect.
Use clean and clear.

What ever you do dont pop them. Because then the oil inside

will spread around and you will get more. By some cream and

put it on it. Helpful? -kenzieee
WARNING! read this blog before taking any action

Thanks to this blog, it helped me a lot to find the best method.

Hope this helps
exactly what she said but do not pick at them because you might get little scars or holes in your face.
use those anti snoring things then take them out with that, it showd them to me in the drs show
Exfoliating and then immediately mud masking
Use Apricot Blackhead Scrub (= It works!
Squeeze them. Loads of fun.
try washing more often
Those strips are rather good think they are called Ponds?

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