Friday, August 20, 2010

How can Get Rid Of Blackheads Fast?

well i start school in 7 days how can i get rid of the population of blackheads on my nose? and another question... my nose is sun burnt how can i get that to go away before school?How can Get Rid Of Blackheads Fast?
wash your face. pop your black heads, wash your face again, use a ponds or biore nose pore strip, then put face lotion on.How can Get Rid Of Blackheads Fast?
I use a face wash called AcneFree which is basically a Proactive knock-off. It has really reduced the number of blackheads on my nose.

The other thing I do which you could also try is wiping down your face with a cotton ball with peroxide on it at night before bed AFTER you wash your face. That has helped me, too. Just don't get it on your eyebrows because it will lighten your eyebrows after a couple of days! ^_-
Keeping the skin as clean as possible, washing away excess oil build up and dead skin particles is the best start. Choose a mild and gentle cleansing lotion to avoid drying out the skin. Also try to use a gentle exfoliater to shift the old skin cells away.

Use The following every day: (can be found at walmart)

Apricot Scrub (any brand)

Clearasil Face Wash

Clearasil Cleanzing Pads

Clearasil Tinted Acne Cream

The sunburn will go away by the beginging of school but use the scrub on your nose and it will scrape off the dead skin and wont leave you with spots. u will look gr8 if u do this everyday.
nothing reallly make a dr..apointment heads take the longest to go away...if you want after you get out of the shower..take a hot wet washcloth and put over your nose for a couple of minutes and then try and pop some of them...use aloe...or sunburn relief stuff
Sun exposure has a way of aiding in the removal of such skin imperfections. Try exfoliating the dead skin on your nose, and this will help remove the blackheads.
You can try exfoilating pads. However, you should make an appointment to see a dermatologist as soon as possible. You don't want permanent scarring.
be great, be yourself. nobody will notice those disgusting, horrible, icky, revolting (ity bity) HUGE blackheds. i think...
Wash with hot water and soap, take a clean q-tip and dip it in mouthwash or lemon juice. Repeat three times a day unless your allergic to lemon.
yeh, seriously, use proactiv.
Use one of those strips across your nose and some anti-sunburn cream.
for black heads get a scrub at target or somewhere and for the sunburn just let it go it should go away soon

hope this helps!!! La La :)
wash your face with a special cream. dont worry its not the end of the world though!
skin cleanser

use proactive
cut ur nose off

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