Thursday, July 22, 2010

How can I get rid of blackheads?

Try a steam facial to open up the pores and then use a facial scrub that contains some kind of ';bits';. If you don't want to purchase one, you can also use a bit of sugar along with your basic soap. Then rinse your face with witch hazel to cool it down. They also have mud masks which help remove blackheads, but you don't want to use them more than once a week because they can dry the skin really badly. For the ones on your nose, those blackhead strips work well and I imagine you could use them on other parts of the face as well, though fitting them on could be a bit tricky. It won't hurt anything, since it's basically just a strip of sticky tape. Otherwise, during the day, you need to try to wash your face frequently with something like witch hazel. You can buy a bottle pretty cheaply, along with the cotton makeup pads, and just use those to wipe down the face and remove the dirt. It's added benefit is that witch hazel is naturally antiseptic, so it will kill the bacteria that cause whiteheads as well. It's the main ingredient in the more expensive acne rinses, and works just as well. Also have a look at the makeup you use, since you want to be sure it's ';non-comedomic';, meaning it won't tend to block pores.How can I get rid of blackheads?
Here are some tips I snaged from my article.

1. Change your pillow case as often as possible, oil can build up on your pillow and while you are sleeping can get on your face. If you remember to change your pillow case once every night or every two to three days this will help alleviate any issues if you have a black heads.

2. When you're taking a shower close all the doors and turn the shower water on as hot as you possibly can stand it. The steam will help open up the pores and can loosen the black head. This can also be accomplished by buying a facial steamer which is specifically made to open up facial pores.

3. Wash your face twice daily, any more than that and you run the risk of replacing the oil on your face that is caused by your skin drying out. Always make sure that you wash before you go to bed with a gentle soap.

4. Try to avoid eating any junk food, although it's never been proven that certain foods will cause acne and blackheads certain foods will increase the probability that you will get acne and blackheads. There is no hard and fast rule about what you should eat but it if you stay away from the junk food and eat a healthy diet you'll be less prone to blackheads.

5. After washing your face make sure this use of clean towel to dry your face off. A previously used towel may contain oil and dirt and will only worsen the symptoms. After washing your face the last thing you want to do is replace it with oil and dirt and changing towels on a daily basis will help with this.

6. Pay close attention to the areas that you can get the most blackheads and make sure that you watch or treat them little more thoroughly. One of the areas that people generally don't pay much attention to when getting blackheads is their nose, your nose can be one of the most infected areas simply cleanse it thoroughly.

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