Saturday, July 24, 2010

I need help getting rid of my blackheads!?

i have a bunch of smaal blackheads on my nose and i want them gone! how do i get rid of them?I need help getting rid of my blackheads!?
buy nose strips from ponds. make sure there are no bubbles in the wet strips for better results. or go get a facialI need help getting rid of my blackheads!?
biore pore perfect nose strips. ment for blackhead works great! good luck!
Yeah, good luck with that! I've tried those nose strips and they didn't really work for me.. just squeeze them, lol :D
nose strips work well... but if there are really big ones u can use a needle, poke them reeaaalllly lightly and then squeeze out the gross stuff.
Save your money from the commercial products. I used bleach on a cotton puff and within a few days - no blackheads on my nose.
First cleanse with a good acne/ blackhead wash, second , take a hot moist towel and apply over affected area. Third, use a blackhead implement (metal instrument) available at drug stores to pop them out. Fourth, use a astringent/ toner saturated cotton baal over area.
Biore pore strips are great and to prevent the blackheads next time, consider trying Proactiv. It is the best stuff I have ever found for problem (acne prone) skin. You can always find it on ebay without having to join the Proactiv club (which will automatically charge and ship it to you every month) on their website. Ebay is the way to go if you are looking to just try it. Best of luck to you.
go get a facial or those derm clinics,if you have money..or try putting honey on it.put it in a plate,try to heat it on the microwave and when it's already lukewarm,you can just go ahead and put it in your nose,let it dry and naturally it will just came out..don't pinch them..._c';,)
i have the same problem. i also have huge black heads on my nose and i hate them! ponds pore strips are the best!!!u will notice the difference after you take the strip off. your nose will be smooth. I have tried many brands like biore and they dont work as well as ponds. go ahead and try them! you will love your results. i know i do=)

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