Thursday, July 22, 2010

I have a ton of blackheads on my nose?

How do I get rid of them?I have a ton of blackheads on my nose?
Removal strips

Blackhead removal strips are readily available at all major departmental stores. All you need to do is to wet the strip, place the strip on your nose, which is where blackheads are very likely to form, leave it on till it dries completely, and peel it off.


You could also try removing blackheads yourself, but make sure you are gentle, or you may cause scarring. Steam your face for around ten minutes with a steamer, or by placing your face over a vessel of boiling water if you do not have a steamer. Form a tent with your towel over your head and around the bowl, to trap the steam. This opens and softens pores, and makes the blackheads easier to remove. Then take a wad of cotton in both hands, and use the cotton to gently squeeze out the blackheads.


Make sure the blackheads don鈥檛 reappear by exfoliate your skin with a face scrub, to get rid of dead skin so they do not block pores. Use it on your nose, or wherever you have blackheads. Scrub the area gently. Do not be too harsh as you may cause further damage.

While you need exfoliate your face only twice a week, many women have reported that their blackheads on their nose have totally disappeared after they started using a face scrub on their nose on a daily basis.

Good luck xxI have a ton of blackheads on my nose?
try those strips, or try skincare for blackheads but i doubt they will all go away, check with a dermatologist
I have learned the easist way to get rid of those dirty things is to wash daily. Use products specifically designed to rid of them. Also, use a washcloth to scrub. I have learned picking them makes them larger, and causes scares. And, use cold water to close them to keep dirt out. Use warm water to cleanse them. If you put ice on ur nose, that closes the pores. It is a good idea not to wear makeup on the infected area because make up has acne prone substances in it. Dont see a derm, they just eat your money right out of your pocket. Its just great to keep a healthy ritual of cleansing daily.
use a pore strip they pull the black heads right ouy
Squeeze em out.
Well - I push them out daily...its a ritual for me. But i have heard that the biore strips work well - but they need to be big to remove them.

I just use my fingers after I wash my face. I think blackheads are so gross...
Use a good pore reducing product (there are tons on the market, I suggest Ulta or Aveeda. Also, keep your nose clean and hands off.

Also, Ponds makes some good strips that will pull the gunk out of your poors, but still get a poor reducer for the interim.
my fav is the ';ponds'; pore stripes. It works!! And I totally recommend! :)
Try proactive solution
You can use rubbing alcohol or pop them! Just rub the rubbing alcohol on your face!
get the biore nose-strips. and don't get the cheaper brand because they look the same but they really don't work as well. the biore ones are around $8.00 fora pack of 6 nose strips-- should last you about a month because you shouldn't use them more than a couple times a week. before you use the nose strip, steam your face using a hot wet washcloth or over a bowl of hot water with a towel over your head. this will open your pores. then, while your face (especially your nose) is still wet, put on one of the pore strips. leave it on until it is completely dry (at least 10-15 minutes). when you pull it off, it will ';hurt so good'; and you'll see a little forest on the strip that will make you super happy. after that, be sure to use alcohol wipes or an astringent or at the very least cold water to seal up those freshly cleaned-out pores. that's my best advice!
use a mild facewash everyday to help prevent from getting them in the first place. then you have a few choice to get rid of them. they sell ';blackhead clearing scrubs'; but personally they dont' work, they just remove oil and dead skin but not the blackheads. you can use ';nose strips'; that you wet and put on... then you let them dry and pull them off it's like a bandage but it doesn't hurt, they work OK(see link below.. something simlar to that)

.... i suppose you can always go to a professional place too.... good luck, i have the same problem...
Use Stridex pads they really work you can buy them at wallmart:)
use a mud mask.
Try a blackhead scrub or biore pore strips.
They sell strips that hurt when you pull them off, but it helps.
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