Saturday, July 24, 2010

How do I get rid of blackheads?

they have a great little tool in the body shop that costs about three pounds and gets rid of them with practically no pain and no nasty scars :)How do I get rid of blackheads?
Lots of water %26amp; healthy eating - Cliche’, maybe, but it’s so true. What you put into your body shows on the outside. Simple as that. If you eat lots of greasy crap, your skin is not going to look as good as it would if you ate more veggies and drank more water.

Don’t bother with a pore strip - First of all, they’re basically useless for getting rid of anything that’s stuck deep in your pores. Second of all, they can actually damage your skin! I know these things look like miracle products, but save your money because they aren’t really going to help.

Do a clay mask once a week - This is only for those of you with oily or combination skin. Dry skin, obviously, needs all the oil it can get. Blackheads are partially caused by excess oil on your face, so if you have greasy skin, a good quality clay mask will help sop up some of the grease and keep your pores clearer. Using it once a week is enough - you don’t want to over-dry your skin, because this could lead to even more problems!

Squeeze, but do it carefully! - This is one situation where picking your face may actually help instead of making things worse. Don’t take this as permission to pick at your face all you want! There is a right and a wrong way to squeeze blackheads and it’s really important that you do it the right way.

First, wash your face with a gentle cleanser. (I like Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser.) Next, cover your face with a warm, wet cloth for 10 to 15 minutes. Pat your face dry, then wrap tissues around your fingers to prevent slippage. Use GENTLE pressure to press down then up around the sides of the blackhead. If nothing happens after one or two tries, stop. That means the blackhead isn’t ready to come out yet. Whatever you do, don’t pinch, use your nails or press too hard. This can damage your skin and might even lead to scars!How do I get rid of blackheads?

Use creams containing AHA's (Alpha Hydroxyl Fruit acids) like glyco-creams that will clear away any dead skin cells and ';expose'; the blackhead. Use the AHA's every 3 days or so.

Lime Juice

Make a lotion with equal parts of lime juice, almond oil and glycerin and apply on the face. It will not only cure blackheads but the discoloring spots on the face too.


Warm a little honey and apply on the trouble area.

Wash off after 10-15 minutes.

Egg White

Beat an egg white.

Add 1 tsp honey.

With a cotton swab apply on the face and leave for half an hour.

Rinse with warm water and pat it dry.

Rub cooking oil on your face and take a cloth and rub it off.

Olive or almond oil

Rinse your face with warm water to open your pores.

Generously saturate a section of washcloth with olive or almond oil.

Place a dab of toothpaste (not the gel kind) on the oily washcloth.

Gently and thoroughly rub the toothpaste over your nose with the oily cloth. Do it twice if you have a lot of blackheads.

Massage it into your whole face if you like. Add more oil or toothpaste as necessary.

Wait about 5 minutes, then rinse your face thoroughly with hot water and a clean washcloth.

Steam and moisturizer

Put a hot towel over your face for 10 minutes.

If you let it sit then the black heads can come to the surface.

Wash with warm water and soap.

Close pores with cold water and apply oil-free moisturizer.

Then rub alcohol on it for five minutes


Mix gatorade and vodka(any type is fine) and pour over blackheads. Rinse after 10=15 minutes and avoid touching them.

Avoid washing the face with soaps more than twice a day. Instead wash your face often with plain water splashes.

Keep your hair away from your face. Greasy hair and skin don't go together, and hair can spread infection.

Sunshine or ultra-violet light encourages skin peeling, and so helps to clear blocked pores. For this reason, sunbathing or use of sun-beds in moderation can be helpful. (Please note that continuous peeling has been linked to skin cancer.)

Always use oil-free mosturizer because you don't want to clog your pores even more.

If irratation with any product occurs, contact any help line that may be associated with it ( usually found on the back of the products)and discontinue using the product immediately.

Be sure to maintain a healthy beauty regimen. Wash your face everyday with standard soap, along with a toner that will unclog pores. I suggest to use a cleanser every few days. Next, moisturize your skin with an oil-free lotion.

Whenever you wear makeup, make sure to take it off with a remover, not just water. This prevents oil and dirt buildup, which causes zits.

Maintaining a healthy diet always helps. Get your daily foods and vitamins from each food group. As well, be sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep to leave you looking bright and refreshed.
Wash your face often, make sure its not oily as it clogs pore and u end up having blackheads first off.

Now, take a walk to ur nearest pharmacy and get a Proper face scrub(i'd suggest St. Ive's Apricot Scrub - Blemish control scrub) try that and u will see the difference straight away.

Oh, lastly get a pimple remover. Dont use ur nails to pinch them out!

Good luck!

p.s : By the way Blackhead removing strips dont work, dont waste ur money...
well i use the pore strips and they seem to work for me! doesnt get the really tough ones out though!

lean over a bowl of boiling hot water to steam your face, that will open the pores and make it easier to get them out!
Mix rice powder and orange juice to form a paste. Apply on the face and neck. Let it dry and wash it off.
the best thing to do is use pore strips however sometimes they dont work so i tend to just boil some water and pour into a bowl and let the steam cover ur face, and then use the strips
The only way to permanently do it it through laser surgery.

But to prevent it, wash your face regularly to prevent blocked up pores.
Use an exfoliater


Steam your face(By leaning over a boiling hot bowl of water)

Be very careful though!

a cleansing facial helps and if your local gym has one try using the sauna once or twice a week. I'm told it works wonders.
1.use bio spore strips.

2.permanent is laser.
use biore pore strips, they work the best. washes and scrubs dont work at all (on me atleast)

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